Latest News

Mustafa Ali vs. Adam Brooks Announced

News : 19-Jul-2024
Mustafa Ali vs. Adam Brooks Announced
A Clash of Champions at the Thornbury Theatre

OPW and MCW set for a collision course

News : 12-Jul-2024
OPW and MCW set for a collision course
Worlds will collide on September 22nd

Australian Stampede Results

News : 15-Apr-2024
Saturday night was alright for fighting in Ballarat

HER Results

News : 15-Apr-2024
Mickie James' showcase event took over Selkirk Stadium

SLAM! Championship Match added to Australian Stampede

News : 30-Mar-2024
SLAM! Championship Match added to Australian Stampede
Canberra's ultimate prize will be up for grabs in Ballarat